Our Mission
“Promoting better health through better eating by partnering with local organizations to provide education, training, and food subsidies that encourages a healthy lifestyle throughout our community.”
Partnering is how we are able to do what we do and do it so well. As you will see, we already have many partners and the list keeps growing.
CHEF does NOT promote any particular diet. We provide current, scientifically-sound information and allow you to decide—in consultation with your medical team—what to do with this information.


Our Programs
Many of our “made-to-order” programs are designed by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and may be tailored to accommodate needs of participants. Possible formats include 45-minute long “Lunch-N-Learn” programs at a worksite, After School and After Church programs, Half-Day and Full Day Seminars at public or private venues, assistance in Guiding Small Support Groups, assistance in Establishing Healthy Eating Dinner Clubs, etc. Most programs can be delivered in Spanish. The programs can be one-time or a series. We do request a minimum of 10 participants for each program offered, maximum attendance is determined by venue. Programs are free to participants. We are always happy to accept donations and sponsorships.
Special Programs:
Through a 2019-2020 grant from the Elgin Township government, and other partners, we will soon launch a year-long program for seniors call: Rx for Healthy Seniors: Nutrition at specific locations in Elgin .
In August 2019, Zion Lutheran Church in Elgin offered CHEF a home-base for our CHEFTalks, were we will meet monthly for a eco-friendly pot luck dinner and provide valuable information from food experts—and a few prizes just to keep things interesting.
CHEF provides all of these programs at no cost to the participants and they are all open to the public. In some cases, registration is required because of space limitations.
Basics of a Plant-Based Diet. It focuses around eating mostly plant-based foods and less meat and dairy, which can lead to less disease and helps you to avoid factory farms. The diet encourages you to consume fruits, grains, seeds, basically anything that focuses around plants.
Information from the country's leading medical authorities showing that food choices can improve your health. With the right foods you can lose weight permanently without restrictive diets, prevent and reverse heart disease, and reduce your chances of contracting many types of cancer.
Nutrition For Kids
PCRM experts believe that “children who are raised on healthful vegan diets have a reduced risk for heart disease, cancer, obesity, diabetes, and other conditions. Adolescents raised on a plant-based diet often find they have an easy time maintaining a healthy weight. They also have fewer problems with acne, allergies, and gastrointestinal problems than their peers who eat animal products.” Although CHEF does not promote a vegan diet, or any other specific diet, there are experts who believe in the efficacy of a vegan diet. Learn more about it and you decide.
RX For Type 2 Diabetes
The benefits of reducing or excluding high levels of animal foods are beginning to show real promise in the reversal of type 2 diabetes.

Our Team
The CHEF Board of Directors includes a “working board” and an “honorary board.” Both are comprised of a wide variety of talented volunteers who are concerned about the health of our community. Open the next page and meet Our Team.

Get Involved
There are a number of ways to get involved! As a volunteer expert presenter, a program helper, or in a way we haven’t thought of—tell us how you would like to get involved.
Sign Up For a Program
There are established programs or CHEF can design one for your specific needs.
Volunteer opportunities
There are a number of volunteer opportunities—one-time, intermittent, or for a specific program, as an individual or in a group.
Make a Donation