County Health Department Chronic Disease Action Team
Committee Member
Community Harvest Educational Foundation is pleased to be part of the Kane County Health Department Chronic Disease Action Team. CHEF is among more than a dozen local government agencies, non-profits and health professionals to team up to work on issues related to chronic disease. In so many cases, those diseases are often food-related, such as obesity, high blood pressure and more. A healthy diet and lifestyle changes that CHEF promotes can be useful in helping to alleviate some of those concerns.
The “Teams” Outcome Objective
By August 31, 2021, decrease the number of hospitalizations due to heart disease by 5%. Impact Objectives Nutrition Physical Activity By June 30, 2021, increase the proportion of Kane County adults consuming 5+ servings of fruits and/or vegetables per day by 2.5%. By June 30, 2021, decrease the proportion of Kane County adults reporting no leisure-time physical activity in the past month by 2.5%.
CHEF is pleased to be a part of this effort!